We go so you don't have to!
Our team continuously attends technology conferences in both education and commercial sectors. In the last year, we have attended RSAC 2022/2023, IDEACon Illinois, Illinois K-12 Tech Director Leadership Conference, The National K-12 Cybersecurity Leadership Conference, Illinois School Security Conference, Illinois SecureED Conference, Midwest Tech Talk, Midwest Tech Talk Cyber Conference, and many other conferences that keep us current with cybersecurity trends, preparedness, and evolution of the ever-changing cybersecurity needs. By attending non-education technology conferences, it allows us to see what is happening outside of education, as cybersecurity impacts all areas. By attending these conferences, we can move the needle forward with sharing the knowledge, products, tips, and tricks we gain with others. One of our initiatives in this program would be to attend conferences to continue to network, gain insight on the changing requirements, and collect resources that can be shared.
Our PandaTechTeam has presented various workshops at some of these conferences to share our knowledge and experience with others. Over the past few years, Tyler Derickson and Dave Termunde have presented on various topics including Illinois SOPPA Compliance, 21st Century Spaces, Staying Safe-N-Secure with Your Student Devices, Student Scores after Covid, Come Here FIDO (To discuss FIDO Security Keys), and a variety of other sessions that are always well-attended. Within exPANDAbilities, we would continuously attend and present at various cybersecurity related conferences to both share our knowledge and program initiatives, along with gaining new knowledge to embed in the curriculum.
As we attend conferences, we can recap the important items that are specific to K12 technology directors. We've heard enough about "you should have a cybersecurity plan". We need to hear: how to protect AD. how to protect your Google tentant. The specifics. That's what we are here for.

Our Director, Tyler Derickson, speaking at IDEAConn 2023 about different cybersecurity software