Pathways for Your Technology Staff and Students
exPANDAbilities would include faculty training for IT staff, administrators, and teachers. This would also include train-the-trainer sessions for teachers to gain the comfort to understand and teach new curriculum for their students. Our consortium would connect these individuals with industry leaders to assist with training, guest speaking, and demonstrating how a career in cybersecurity is a future-proof career. One other major inadvertent barrier is fear. Cybersecurity has created this fear with our administrators, principals, teachers, and even our students. The fear is not having a true understanding of what cybersecurity is, how it can be a career, how it can be positive or negative on our daily lives. Our consortium would help address this fear with education. To reduce the fear, we have a tentative marketing model to bring it down to the K-12 (especially K-8) level.
To provide foundational cybersecurity awareness and literacy, we will connect with current industry experts (Subject Matter Experts, SMEs) who are employed in the field of cybersecurity. By connecting with these SMEs, this allows us to gain a true understanding of what skill gaps need to be filled. We, along with industry experts, will tailor the curriculum to each grade level/age. We must ensure the material is brought down to their level, so it is comprehendible and engaging. Utilizing these resources to help develop, audit, and continuously update the curriculum would enable us to align with industry standards, stay up to date, and meet the primary goals of exPANDAbilities. Moreover, this can lead to staff and students earning industry certificates/certifications in the IT cybersecurity field.
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